Kelli Price Photography

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The Modern Headshot | Reno Photographer - Kelli Price

The Modern Headshot | Reno Photographer - Kelli Price

Show the world who you are with a fun, casual photo shoot that isn’t stuffy or boring! If you just launched a new business or side hustle, a small business branding photo session should be in your budget. The team Electrikk Digital and The Gattuso Coalition understand the importance of personal branding and setting themselves up as a leader in their industry. Here are 5 ways they kicked butt in their lifestyle headshots over the past three years.

Five Ways to make your Headshot Standout from the Crowd

  1. Color - the first thing that comes to mind is color! It’s always easy for me to find Kaitlin & Rachel on any social media platforms because the teal POPS!

  2. Style - They all look professional but with a little extra va-voom. Don’t be afraid to show off your personality

  3. Confidence - You are leader, a Boss Babe, CEO, fresh college graduate….whatever you call yourself, make sure you show it with confidence

  4. Genuine smiles - Unless you are a rockstar, I promise you most people are a little uncomfortable in front of the camera. Pick a photographer that you are comfortable with and drink a glass of wine during the session if you need to. They make pretty props anyways!

  5. Sunglasses - See #2

It all started back in 2018, Kaitlin posted in our Rising Tide Reno chapter Facebook page looking for a Reno photographer to help her with her lifestyle headshot. There were TONS of great Reno photographers offering up their talents and of course I chimed in. Kaitlin picked ME and I felt like I won the lottery! We took advantage of the amazing murals around Reno and found the perfect teal wall that made Kaitlins eyes and cool, colorful hair pop!

Next up was a photo shoot with the ladies of The Gattuso Coalition. I’m pretty sure this is one of my favorite small business branding photography sessions….EVER. The color, the light, the cool retro vibe and of course beautiful personalities with coordinating & funky outfits. Muah (insert Italian kiss) Perfecto!! Plus, I was able to have a glass of rose and a yummy lunch after….so it was a win-win.

For the two year anniversary in 2020, the team had grown at The Gattuso Coalition so we needed updated photos of everybody. For COVID safety precautions, we took the photos outside in downtown Reno next to the office. The team wore mostly black & white which was a beautiful contrast with their office building and brick walk-way.

And there you have it! THAT is how one team has nailed their Modern Headshots over the past three years. To see more headshots check out my favorite Atlanta spot for headshots or read Tips on What to Wear for Professional Portraits.

The Gattuso Coalition is a communications syndicate that helps clients satisfy objectives by reaching key publics with the right messaging. We employ strategic planning and campaign building that leverages research, ingenuity and innovation to implement efforts for nonprofit organizations, corporate social responsibility efforts and clients with a vested interest in improving their communities. To learn more visit, The Gattuso Coalition.

Thoughtful Social Media Management

This is Kaitlin and Kyle Young. Together, they are Electrikk Digital - a social media marketing and creative content team based in Sparks, Nevada. We help businesses assess and grow their digital brands. They wield the knowledge and skill of an agency without the bureaucracy and buzzwords. Learn more about Electrikk Digital (get the play on the KK… creative)!